Wednesday, 29 June 2016

SX Magazine, June 2016

Hello dear Readers,

We are honored to announce in this issue the five people who will review, evaluate, generally dissect, and ultimately decide the winners in the photography categories (Best Male and Female Model, Best Photo, and Best Photographer). You should be more than familiar with these names, as they are synonymous with erotic photography: Mrs. Spirit Demure-Rust, Lincoln Garnett, Katina Cazalet, Arnno Planer and Tatiana Easterwood! Look in this issue for articles by Monique on each of them, and maybe glean some insight into what they will be looking for in their evaluation. And tune in next issue for the judges for the movie categories. Also in this issue, Virgil talks to Hydrogen Excelsior, the creator of Niramyth Store, about what it means to be a creator in SL and about his mesh avatars. G gives us deeper insight into the interesting and too-often-overlooked Shemale lifestyle of SL. Leannan gives us relationship advise and explains how to have your relationship last forever...or how to kill it painlessy. And finally in a new episode of 'Him&Her', Jenny, NP, Scotty and Marcus will offer their point of view on this month's pose, Cunnilingus

 Read the new issue of SX Magazine on Flickr or ISSUU or get a free copy on Marketplace


  1. Congratulations Virgil on publishing the latest issue of SX! All the hard work was more than worth it with another great magazine. And outstanding work by all the contributors! *Kisses*

    1. Thank you love, your effort in this work was crucial. We'll get better and better again.

  2. Awesome work guys loved it

    1. Thank you friend, it's important for us
